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Application for permission to dismantle automobiles for foreigners

Please leave all
the complicated permission application work to us.

What is dismantling permission?

This is a permit required to properly recycle and dismantle used cars in accordance with the recycling standards.



Multiple procedures will occur.

Applying for a demolition permit involves a variety of procedures, from pre-application, such as preparing a business plan and applying for a development permit, to the main application.



Preliminary survey and prior application are required.

Before applying for a car dismantling business permit, it is necessary to confirm the contents of the planned site where the business will be conducted, and to conduct a preliminary survey and application.



Please leave it to us to obtain a car dismantling permit.

Various procedures are required to obtain a car dismantling permit.
Here’s what we can do before we apply for and obtain a permit.

Flow of car dismantling permission

There are many procedures to get permission to dismantle a car.
We will support the smooth start of business for our customers by acting on behalf of the preliminary survey and application for permission.

Meeting and preliminary survey

We will confirm the contents of the planned business site and prepare a report based on the preliminary investigation law.

Creation of drawings and plans

We will create drawings of business establishments and business plans according to the contents of the meeting.

Other application procedures

We will take care of all the procedures up to the construction of the business establishment, such as application for development permission of the business establishment, conversion of farmland, building confirmation, etc.

Permission application

The permission of the prefectural governor is required to carry out the automobile dismantling business. We will perform the permit application procedure on your behalf.

行政書士 県西法務事務所(ギョウセイショシ ケンセイホウムジムショ)

3-6-5 Higashi, Koga city, Ibaraki Pref. 306-0011
